To apply for a place at our Sixth Form for September 2025, please click here.
In common with most other schools and academies, we ask parents to make a small voluntary contribution to help us provide some of the additional facilities and activities that make the school and enjoyable and engaging place for your son or daughter to spend their time. This year we are aiming for this fund to help us to host celebration evenings throughout the year, where we can formally celebrate the achievement of our students. Last year we did this for Key Stage 3 students and this year we would like to do more, but we need your help.
We recognise that the financial circumstances of families vary enormously and that some families are not in a position to make a contribution of this type. However, if you are able and willing to contribute to the this then we would be very grateful.
If you are willing to contribute there are two options
If you would like give a voluntary donation, either monthly or as a one-off payment then please follow the link through the buttons below for the amount you'd like to contribute.